VIRTUAL REALITY MOVIE TEAM-BUILDINGIt seems like everyone is talking about Virtual Reality these days, but who really knows how to make it? We found an truly unique...
AN ARTISANAL TEAM-BUILDING OPTION YOU CAN EATHave you heard bread is getting a bad reputation these days? Don’t tell that to the folks at some of New York City’s top bakeries, who...
“PRESENT LAUGHTER” BACK ON BROADWAYWith a title based on Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”, “Present Laughter” is making a return to Broadway, with the lead being played by...
ZEN VIBE WITH ARTWORK AT NEW MANHATTAN EVENT LOUNGEIf you mix a zen vibe with rotating artwork and Japanese-infused cocktails, you get Manhattan’s newest after-hours event lounge. The...
MEETING BREAKS: COOKIE DOUGH LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN ITWhether it is the donut, cronut, macaroon, cupcake or other lavor of the week, we are willing to bet your destination corporate meeting...
MORE BOUTIQUE HOTELS FOR MEETING ATTENDEES IN MANHATTANThe new breed of boutique hotels that are opening this year in Manhattan are featuring some very familiar names behind them. Most...