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Executive Dinners and Retreats: 19-Course Scandinavian Tasting in New York

While we have seen lots of courses on tasting menus in New York City, the 19 offered at one Michelin-starred venue in Williamsburg can provide an executive breakout dinner at destination corporate meetings with a truly unique experience in one of the city's trendiest neighborhoods. And here's another interesting twist: the menu is Nordic with a farm-to-table component that keeps it seasonal and creative. For example, enjoying a 120-day dry-aged steak is a no-brainer; however, we never expected the amazing flavor of mushroom ice cream for dessert.

This isn't your ordinary corporate dinner venue for two additional reasons: it lasts up to 4 hours to optimize brainstorming; and, you can piggyback a cocktail party afterward for your entire group at the venue's craft-cocktail cellar bar and garden.

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